Emotions that emerges YOU !

Suffering enjoys us. It loves our blood that is why it dosen’t leave us, so easily. We apply our wisdom to unsettle it. These sufferings at times are bold. They hit you hard to tell you, its yours and only you will bear. Who is this? Doctor.. mother..father.. brother…friend. He laughs. What will they provide. Emotions! Have you seen your beloved reading your poetry. It’s a sun bath in a cold weather of separation for her. She immensely enjoys whatever she reads and hear about you.she enjoys licking her pain. She won’t let you know this. She would keep you hanging in uncertainty. Because she loves to see you dying for her. It suits her. And not disclosing suits her social norms she has to maintain. It raises bar of her image. Who gets sacrificed here. Whose pain oozes, who keep me, the suffering going and assure me my survival. I won’t end. She won’t let me dead. And you won’t either stop calling her your life. It is merely a misconception. You are a child of miscarriage. She belongs to me. You belong to her only through me !

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